11 August, 2022
Aesthetic and medical-grade technology leaders and beauty salon suppliers, The Global Beauty Group have joined forces with biotech innovators FB Dermatology to bring Fluorescent Light Energy (FLE) treatments to clinics across Australia and New Zealand.
Lumixa is a biophotonic topical gel developed by FB Dermatology, the makers of Kleresca. The Lumixa gel contains a fluorophore with an energy profile that is activated when placed under a 415nm – 465nm wavelength (blue) LED machine. The result is the production of Fluorescent Light Energy (FLE), which stimulates the skin’s own repair mechanisms to heal at the cellular level.
FLE acts within the different layers of the skin simultaneously, meaning clients can enjoy the benefits of multiple wavelengths of light energy at once on both the epidermal and dermal layers, up to 6mm deep.
Treatments with Lumixa stimulate fibroblasts to increase collagen production, correct ‘Inflammageing’, target the intrinsic signs of ageing and reactivate the skin matrix.
In-vitro data demonstrated that Blue LED light in conjunction with Lumixa Collagen Booster resulted in a significant increase in collagen production at 72 hours, compared to baseline.
CEO and Co-Founder of The Global Beauty Group Kane Hammond is excited to be working with FB Dermatology as official distributors of this innovative new treatment.
“We’re thrilled to be working with FB Dermatology to bring skin professionals across Australia this progressive treatment that takes LED therapy machine to a whole new level. It’s a treatment that provides incredibly satisfying client skin improvement results, as well as rewarding revenue and client retention rates for business owners. Especially when combined with The Global Beauty Group MyFaceMyBody Award winning Education HUB training programs, and our ABIA Wholesaler of the Year winning service and support.
FB Dermatology and The Global Beauty Group have a wonderful alignment in our business approach and values. Our shared vision is to set new industry standards in progressive, non-invasive treatment technology that deliver patient centric solutions on the cutting-edge of medical aesthetics.
With Lumixa, it’s very exciting to be supporting clinics deliver the powerful results of Fluorescent Light Energy, especially as this is a treatment that until very recently was only available from a selected group of Professional Clinics”.
With the 2019 launch of the MediLUX to their LUX Series range of Australian researched and developed devices, The Global Beauty Group set new standards in medical-grade, ARTG listed (#317123) LED technology. According to Kane Hammond, this makes The Global Beauty Group and MediLUX the ideal partner for Lumixa and delivering Fluorescent Light Energy treatments.
“Our approach to MediLUX was to redesign from the ground up what medical-grade, in clinic LED Light Therapy treatments could achieve. The energy output is over 250% more powerful than many leading competitor technologies, meaning MediLUX is able to deliver the impressive results of Lumixa in as little as a quarter of the time lower powered LED light therapy devices may require”.
CEO of FB Dermatology Marco Marchetti who’s based at the headquarters in Italy, had this to say about the exciting collaboration;
“This partnership with The Global Beauty Group represents an important step for the strategic expansion of FLE technology in Australia and New Zealand. It makes FLE treatments more accessible to clients by allowing more clinics the ability to offer this state of the art, non-invasive approach in aesthetic dermatology. This partnership is a true win-win for both parties, clients, clinics and increases our FLE footprint in the region”.
With impressive treatment results, high-tech delivery and the immediately satisfying “It” factor clients are looking for, Lumixa is set to be the revolutionary aesthetic technology upgrade your clinic (and clients) have been waiting for.
For more information on Lumixa call beauty wholesalers, The Global Beauty Group on 1300 006 607, or visit www.theglobalbeautygroup.com.au/lumixa
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