My Factor 4 Treatment – natural skin rejuvenation

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14 September, 2021

Factor 4 is described as the new generation PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) but it’s got some important differences to every other non-surgical treatment. Factor 4 uses your own blood to regenerate your skin from the inside out. What, we hear you asking? It’s true – using your own blood, Factor 4 uses no additives and so this skin rejuvenation treatment is considered completely natural and is a safe, effective option for those wanting beautiful skin without any chemicals, lasers or radiofrequency. Purely derived from natural proteins present in our bodies. We’re excited… a more natural option for skin rejuvenation?

Factor 4 works by extracting your blood and using specially designed tubing to incubate it and separate the plasma from the rest of your blood cells, spinning and filtering it to produce a highly concentrated Factor 4 serum that is then injected back into your skin. This technique helps to stimulate and fast-track collagen growth, leading to healthier, more vibrant skin. It’s said to get some amazing results for full face rejuvenation, fine lines, sagging skin, crepey skin and even stretch marks! It’s also said to help with brightening and tightening skin and under-eye circles. We’re excited about this last one (and see amazing before and afters below)!! But it is actually also said to help turn back the clock on a huge range of skin issues and help with pre-existing skin conditions.

We were able to talk to a patient from one of Australia’s most prominent plastic surgeons, Dr Bryan Mendelson’s non-surgical Skin and Injecting Clinic about her Factor 4 treatment and why she’s hooked. You know if Dr Mendelson’s clinic is using it… it works.

What was your motivation for having the Factor 4 treatment?
I wanted to refresh my skin and prevent early aging.

Why Factor 4 over other non-surgical treatments?
I wanted a treatment that promotes natural skin rejuvenation and I didn’t want an invasive laser treatments. I also have sensitive Asian skin so I wanted a treatment that is safe and effective for my skin type.

I also believe at my age (mid 30s) this will help prevent early signs of aging.

What was involved in the procedure? Talk us through your experience.
The treatment was a 2 step process. I had my bloods taken on my first appointment.

My second appointment was the actual treatment. Numbing cream was applied 45 minutes prior to treatment. The actual needling treatment process only took 30 minutes and after the treatment, the therapist used Healite LED to help with the healing process which is very relaxing.

Did your Factor 4 treatment hurt?
This treatment wasn’t unpleasant, however, there were sensitive areas like the upper lip and eyes I found it to be more uncomfortable.

How was the practitioner/clinic who did your Factor 4 procedure? Did they explain everything clearly and do you feel you were informed of the process including expected downtime?
Leanne from Dr Mendelson’s Skin and Injecting Clinic is very experienced and she made my treatment process very easy. I was always comfortable and trust her fully. She explains the aftercare instructions on each visit and she gives you a copy of instructions to follow. The treatment process was seamless and the team are very helpful.

Did you have any downtime with the Factor 4 treatment? If so, what was it and how did you deal with it? How long did it last?
My skin felt sunburnt for a couple of hours and my face was red for 2-3 days. Overall, it wasn’t too bad as I had pre-planned for the downtime. I didn’t leave the house for 24 hours after the treatment and didn’t exercise for 3 days.

What results have you noticed from your Factor 4 treatment?
I have noticed a big improvement with my skin quality, my pore size has improved. I feel fresher and my skin is definitely a lot stronger. I get a lot of compliments on my skin from friends and strangers!

Will you have the treatment again?
Yes, I’d love to come back and have this done yearly.

Would you recommend the Factor 4 treatment to your friends and family?
Definitely, this treatment would benefit anyone.

If you’d like to find out more or book in for your treatment with Dr Bryan Mendelson’s Skin and Injecting Clinic located in Melbourne, Victoria phone 03 9826 0977 or visit their website. You can find out more about Factor 4 on their website or check out the blog below.

*Our patient wanted to remain anonymous, so photos shown are not of the patient telling her story. Pictures shown are however of other real Factor 4 patients happy to show their results.

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