Undertaking cosmetic surgery is an intensely personal and private decision that can have very positive effects. Understanding a patient’s desires is a vital factor in achieving this positive potential. With a combination of communication, experience and knowledge Dr Mark Magnusson has helped many patients.
Dr Magnusson has been performing plastic surgery full time since 1996.He is currently President of the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, as well as Educator Convenor for the past two years. He will now share the job of education with other Plastic Surgeons from around Australia.
This combination of training, experience, quality and caring provides the best environment to make very personal and important decisions about your care.
Dr Magnusson commenced his specialist training in plastic surgery in 1996. Working initially in Brisbane and then for three more years in Perth working in both adult and paediatric hospitals.
During his training he specifically sought education and experience to advance his interests in Cosmetic Surgery in general and Breast Surgery especially.
Dr Magnusson obtained his specialist qualifications when he was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in December 1999 (FRACS Plast).
Following his completion of training Dr Mark Magnusson travelled overseas and worked to further develop his interests in breast reconstruction and cosmetic surgery of the breast and body. To further these interests whilst in Europe, Dr Magnusson also travelled to Milan to meet with the pioneers in breast reshaping surgery following breast cancer surgery.
Dr Magnusson has been practicing in Toowoomba since January 2001.
Dr Magnusson has maintained his interest and continued to develop his expertise in cosmetic surgery of the breast and body. He performs breast surgery cases each week including breast enlargement, reduction, lift, reconstruction and male breast surgery.
With the increased frequency of obesity there is also an increasing need to address loose skin following massive weight loss and Dr Magnusson has an increasing practice in body-contouring surgery to address this problem. He performs a wide variety of procedures for these patients include liposuction, abdominoplasty, arm reduction, thigh reduction and body lift following massive weight loss.
Dr Magnusson also performs an extensive range of facial-rejuvenation surgery and female genital surgery.
Dr Magnusson is accredited at Toowoomba Surgicentre, St Vincent’s Hospital (Toowoomba) and also St Andrew’s Hospital (Toowoomba). He also performs procedures in the operating suite in his clinic.
Dr Magnusson works at remaining current reviewing literature, and regularly attending scientific meetings and courses in Australia and overseas. Dr Mark Magnusson is regularly invited to contribute at International Meetings, and impart his knowledge and practice experience with his Colleagues.