Steven Liew Aesthetics 2022

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21 April, 2022

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Aesthetics 2022 with Dr Steven Liew – A Unique “Edutainment” Event

The highly anticipated Aesthetics 2022 Conference is scheduled for Friday to Sunday, August 5–7, 2022 at the Sydney Hilton Hotel.

After the success of the inaugural Aesthetics 2019 conference then unfortunately followed by the disruptions caused by the pandemic to the industry, Aesthetics 2022 plans to make it up – by providing inspirational and exciting educational opportunities for the Aesthetics 2022 attendees.

The theme of this year’s event is “Opening Your Eyes” with the two-and-a-half-day program aims to challenge the status quo by questioning outdated beliefs and practices. These challenges will be offset by providing new frameworks to embrace bold ideas on how the aesthetics industry can be both better and safer for industry professionals – and of course, patients.

According to event organiser, Dr Steven Liew, the 2022 event promises to build on its success established at the inaugural 2019 event by continuing to provide an educational platform that is always, engaging, current, practical and honest.

Dr Liew believes that by collectively sharing industry practices, insights, expertise and exciting new ideas can only benefit the entire sector as a whole and that means every practitioner and patient.

“We need to build knowledge across our industry regardless of our backgrounds – so that we can continue to grow and advance together.”
– Dr Steven Liew

Steven Liew AestheticsSteven Liew Aesthetics

The tools and resources shared at the Aesthetics 2022 event will be applicable across the many specialties within the aesthetics sector and should be relevant for all – from those just starting their journey in the aesthetics industry, to the most advanced level of practitioners.

With an emphasis on the practical aspects of each of our daily practices, the 2.5-day program will focus on all areas relating to injectables, skin health, plus a range of new and exciting associated therapies, including the latest in thread lifting, and other new devices and laser therapies.

“The ultimate goal is to boost industry growth through elevating all standards of non-surgical therapy.”
– Dr Steven Liew

Dr Liew has gone so far as to guarantee that every event attendee will leave having learnt something new that they can incorporate into their practice, either for their personal and professional development, or something personal to challenge themselves, regardless of their level of expertise.

“We will not bore our community with slideshow presentations, but rather we will share the most succinct and crucial scientific facts, as well as useful, practical tips and tricks. Without giving away too much, we will also have red carpet networking opportunities for all, of course!”
– Dr Steven Liew

A new addition to Aesthetics 2022, will be the “AestheticsCast” format, allowing attendees the opportunity to revisit the webinar up to six weeks after the A2022 event. This will provide attendees a second chance to reinforce their learning and fact-gathering, as well as being able to watch additional Q&As with various experts from the conference.

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To register your interest for the Aesthetics 2022 Conference, scheduled for Friday to Sunday, August 5–7, 2022 at the Sydney Hilton Hotel, check out their website or follow their Instagram page

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